Hello, my name is Wyntonio.

Futurist, Innovator, Exponential Thinker.

I believe the Future is not certain; it is made.


Futures Thinking Consulting

The world has changed as the Age of Artificial Intelligence emerges. The need to create a vision for the future has become more important than ever as the rate of disruption and innovation increases every single day.

We specialize in helping businesses pivot and become exponential organizations that pursue impactful moonshot ideas.

Strategic Foresight

Rather than duplicate traditional business models, navigate through disruptive global forces into blue ocean markets by preparing for the future decisions your organization will have to make.

Proven Methodology

Utilize the tools and frameworks that empower your team to develop an exponential vision for the future and take advantage of huge opportunity costs your competitors will take for granted by gaining certainty in the marketplace.

Our Services

Through Strategic Foresight, I help businesses and brands think exponentially and create the futures they want to see in the world. Here are facets of the services provided:

Use Environmental Scanning

Establish a scenario and survey global events to identify market drivers, signals, trends, and the emerging issues that impact your vision, product, service or idea.

Create Alternative Futures

Use standardized methods to develop story narratives for multiple possible futures that could emerge. Use the scenarios to challenge the assumptions of your vision.

Understand Implications

Manage risk and uncertainty by deepening your understanding of market signals and trends in order to develop the right plan of action needed for a desired future or scenario to emerge.

Develop an Exponential Vision

Transform your company into an Exponential Organization and commit to the pursuit of a moonshot idea with the potential to make a impact on the lives of billions of people around the world.

The Future is Forever.

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